How To Decide Which Hot Water System Is The Best For Your Household?

How To Decide Which Hot Water System Is The Best For Your Household?

When discovering what the best hot water system is for your household, many factors need to be considered:

1. How many people will be using the hot water?

This is considering visitors or people living in the household. Generally, the more people in a household, or if one water heater is servicing numerous bathrooms, the larger a hot water system should be. However, if it is only supplying hot water to one bathroom or a small amount of people, a smaller water heater is suitable.

2. The water usage of the household.

For instance, depending on how long or short individuals take showers in the household can determine how much accessible hot water is needed. 

3. Do you use a dishwasher or hot water in the washing machine cycle?

Depending on the use of these appliances, it could increase your hot water consumption.

4. The type of shower head used in the bathroom.

This has a big impact on water consumption, as some shower heads output water at a faster rate.

5. Are gas or electric water heaters being used?

Gas hot water systems can be heated at a faster rate compared to electric ones. This means that electric systems need to have greater reserves, which in turn leads to bigger systems. On the other hand, gas hot water systems can get away with smaller hot water reserves. 

6. What time of day does your household use it?

If hot water is being used at the same time, a larger system is preferable. For instance, if all household members are having showers in the evening and the dishwasher and washing machine are put on around this time, it will run out of hot water faster than when the hot water consumption is spaced out.

The History of Plumbing and Its Positive Impact on Health and Society’s Development

The History of Plumbing and Its Positive Impact on Health and Society’s Development

Plumbing might not be the most glamorous topic, but its history is fascinating, and its impact
on society’s health and development cannot be overstated. From ancient civilizations to
modern cities, plumbing has evolved significantly, shaping communities and improving public
health. Let’s take a journey through time to explore the origins of plumbing and its
transformative effects on society.

Plumbing’s Early Beginnings
The roots of plumbing can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where rudimentary
systems were developed to transport water and manage waste. Mesopotamian cultures,
dating as far back as 4,000 BCE, utilized clay pipes to create basic plumbing networks.
However, it was the ancient Egyptians around 2,400 BCE who made significant
advancements by introducing copper pipes into their plumbing systems.

Another remarkable example comes from the Indus Valley civilization around 2350 BCE. In
the city of Lothal, evidence suggests that every home had a private toilet connected to a
sophisticated wastewater collection system. These early innovations laid the foundation for
more sophisticated plumbing technologies to come.

Greek and Roman Contributions (800 BC – 500 AD)
The ancient Greeks and Romans made substantial contributions to plumbing technology.
The Greeks developed aqueducts to transport water over long distances, while the Romans
perfected the use of lead pipes for plumbing. Their extensive networks of aqueducts, public
baths, and sewage systems were marvels of engineering, showcasing the importance of
sanitation and hygiene in urban planning.

Industrial Revolution and Modern Plumbing (1800s and 1900s)
The Industrial Revolution brought about significant advancements in plumbing technology.
Cast iron pipes replaced lead, making plumbing systems more durable and efficient. The
invention of indoor plumbing revolutionized daily life, bringing running water and indoor
toilets to households across Europe and North America.

In Australia, the first plumbing system was installed in 1796 by James Wilson, marking the
beginning of a new era in sanitation and public health for the continent.

Plumbing Today: Innovations and Benefits
Fast forward to the present day, and plumbing has evolved with the integration of advanced
technologies. Modern plumbing systems are equipped with sensors, smart meters, and
digital controls, making them more efficient and environmentally friendly. Additionally,
innovations in materials and construction techniques have made plumbing repair and
maintenance safer and more accessible.

The impact of plumbing on public health and society’s development cannot be overstated.
Here are some key benefits:

Access to Clean Water: Plumbing ensures access to clean and safe drinking water,
a fundamental human right. By delivering potable water to homes and communities,
plumbing helps prevent waterborne diseases and promotes overall well-being.

Sanitation and Hygiene: Proper sanitation and hygiene practices are essential for
preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Plumbing systems play a crucial role in
wastewater management, reducing the risk of contamination and improving public
health outcomes.

Environmental Health: Efficient wastewater management protects the environment
by reducing pollution and preserving natural resources. Modern plumbing
technologies, such as greywater recycling and rainwater harvesting, promote
sustainability and mitigate the impact of water scarcity.

Community Well-being: Access to reliable plumbing services contributes to
community well-being by ensuring essential infrastructure is in place for residents.
From emergency repairs to routine maintenance, plumbing professionals play a vital
role in keeping communities safe and functional.

Plumbing may not always be in the spotlight, but its impact on our lives is undeniable. So,
the next time you turn on the tap or flush the toilet, take a moment to appreciate the
centuries of progress and innovation that have made modern plumbing possible.

For all your plumbing needs, contact the Plumbaround team on 07 3038 1038 or via email

Your Plumbing, Our Privilege

Don’t Pour Your Money Down The Drain

Don’t Pour Your Money Down The Drain

Often overlooked or dismissed as a minor annoyance, leaking taps can be surprisingly hard to detect and can have significant consequences, not just for your household but also for the environment.

Leaking taps might not seem like a big deal at first glance, but their impact on the environment is substantial. According to recent studies, one slowly dripping tap can waste more than a bucket of water a week. Imagine that multiplied across households in Brisbane alone. It’s a major amount of water being wasted needlessly, putting strain on our precious water resources and ecosystems.

But the repercussions extend beyond environmental concerns; they hit closer to home with your household budget. Have you noticed your water bills creeping up lately? Leaking taps could be why. A visibly leaking toilet, for instance, can waste up to 18 buckets of water a day or 70 days of drinking water for one person*. That’s water you’re paying for but not benefiting from, essentially pouring your hard-earned money down the drain.

Fixing a leaking tap or toilet could save you hundreds of dollars each year on your water bill; that’s money you could be spending on a nice dinner out, a weekend getaway, or even investing in your home. And you will not only save money, but you will also help conserve our precious water resources.

So keep an eye out for signs of leaks in your home, such as damp patches, mould growth, or unexplained increases in water usage. And don’t forget to check your water meter readings regularly to catch any leaks early on.

For more information on detecting and fixing leaks, check out these resources:

At Plumbaround, we understand the importance of water conservation and the financial strain that leaking taps can cause. That’s why we’re here to help. Whether it’s fixing a dripping tap, repairing a leaking toilet, or conducting a comprehensive water audit for your home, our team of expert plumbers is dedicated to providing efficient and effective solutions. 

Let’s not pour our money down the drain! Contact us at 07 3038 1038 or info@plumbaround.com.au if you need help.

*Average Intake for Australian adult


National Health and Medical Research Council. (2021, April 12). Water. Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand. https://www.eatforhealth.gov.au/nutrient-reference-values/nutrients/water 

Queensland Government. (2023, August 4). Waterwise home Leaks. Using Water Wisely. https://www.qld.gov.au/environment/water/residence/use/home/leaks 

Queensland Government. (n.d.). How much water is your household using?. WaterWise Queensland. https://www.rdmw.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/1665120/water-audit.pdf 

Plumbing challenges during the rainy season

Australia’s rainy season is upon us, bringing a few plumbing challenges. In this blog, we’ll explore key issues, offer solutions, delve into average repair costs, and provide essential tips for a hassle-free rainy season.

  • Blocked Drains: With heavy rain, drains can quickly clog with leaves and debris. Keep an eye on slow drainage, and routinely clear outdoor drains. This simple practice can prevent blockages and ensure smooth water flow during downpours. If you notice overflowing drains, you could have a blockage and may need to get the cameras down there and hydrojet out any built-up debris.

  • Overflowing Gutters: Properly functioning gutters are crucial during heavy rains. Clear them of debris regularly to prevent water overflow that can damage your home’s foundation. Extend downspouts to direct water away from the foundation, and consider installing gutter guards to reduce debris buildup. If left unattended, the average cost for overflowing gutter repair is approximately $450. Investing in gutter maintenance not only protects your home but also saves you money in the long run.

  • Sewer Backups: Excessive rain can strain sewer systems, leading to backups. Listen for gurgling sounds in drains and address issues promptly. Regularly schedule professional inspections and consider preventive measures, such as sewer line cleaning. The average cost for sewer backup work ranges from $1000 to $5000, emphasising the importance of proactive maintenance. Understanding your home’s sewer system and acting swiftly can save you from significant disruptions and hefty repair bills.  
  • Leaky Roof Troubles: heavy winds can expose roof leaks, causing potential water damage. Regularly inspect your ceiling for water stains or drips during and after heavy rain. Maintain roof integrity by replacing damaged shingles promptly. The average cost for roof leak repairs varies but can be around $300 to $1500. Timely attention to roof issues not only preserves your home’s interior but also safeguards against more extensive and expensive repairs.

  • Sump Pump Concerns: A reliable sump pump is essential to prevent flooding during heavy rain. Test your pump before the rainy season, ensure proper drainage, and consider a battery backup for power outages. There are two main types of sump pumps: pedestal pumps (average cost $100 – $200) and submersible pumps (average cost $150 – $400). Understanding these costs can help you budget for potential replacements or repairs. Additionally, installing a sump pump alarm alerts you to any malfunctions, providing an extra layer of protection. Properly maintained sump pumps ensure your home stays dry and secure during the rainy season.

Hydrojet away any built-up debris!

As you gear up to face the challenges of the rainy season, remember that a proactive approach can save you from significant plumbing headaches. Regular maintenance, quick responses to issues, and understanding potential costs are key to keeping your home dry and secure. If you ever find yourself in need of professional assistance or want hassle-free solutions to your plumbing concerns, reach out to us at 07 3038 1038.