
A gas leak can be very dangerous, especially if you are not aware of it. You need to know what to do in case you encounter one.

If you are smelling gas its best to call a local gas fitter immediately. In Brisbane most plumbers will be able to also look after your gas leaks and appliances for you.

Call Plumbaround Pty Ltd to come over and do a inspection as soon as possible. Call 07-30381038 ASAP for help.

Attend To gas Leaks Immediately – Call a Gas Fitter Near You

The first thing you should do when you discover that there is a gas leak in your home is to call the fire department. They will be able to assess the situation and they will know how to deal with it. It may take them some time to arrive, but you don’t want to wait around for too long.

If you are alone and you have no idea what to do, then you should get out of the house immediately. Call 911 from your cell phone and explain to the operator what is happening. Make sure you have the address where the leak is located. If you are not sure where the leak is, then ask someone who lives in the area.

Take care of pets

If you have pets, then make sure they are safe and that they are not near the leak. If they are outside, then make sure they are not exposed to the gas fumes. If they are inside, then you should get them out as well.


Make sure you have enough water available for everyone in your household. This will help them stay hydrated and it will also help them to cool down. It is important that you stay calm. Do not panic.

Keep A Fire Extinguisher

You should always keep a fire extinguisher nearby. If you have one, then you should use it. If you don’t have one, then you should find one as soon as possible. The fire department will most likely have some on hand.

Once the fire department arrives, they will assess the situation. They will tell you if you need to evacuate or not. They will tell you if they think it is safe for you to return home or not. They will also let you know if you need to bring in an expert.

If you are not sure whether it is safe to go back into your home or not, then you should stay away. There is no reason to risk your life by going back in. You should wait until the experts have determined that it is safe for you to go back in.

In Case You Are Feeling Unwell

If you feel like you are having trouble breathing, then you should seek medical attention. You should never try to treat yourself. You should contact a professional right away.

Once you know that it is safe for you and your family to go back into your home, you should do so. The fire department will give you a time frame as to when you can return home. They will also give you a list of items that you need to take care of before you can go back in.

You should clean up any areas that were affected by the gas leak. You should remove all the damaged materials from the home. You should also clean up any debris that was left behind by the professionals.

Call a licensed plumber to come over immediately and check all appliances and gas pipes that may be faulty. Get these replaced as soon as possible.

How Do You Know If You Have A Gas Leak On Your Property!

Knowing if you have a gas leak on your property is crucial for ensuring safety and preventing potential hazards. Gas leaks can lead to serious incidents, including explosions and health issues due to inhalation of dangerous gases. Being aware of the signs of a gas leak and knowing what to do if you suspect one can save lives and properties.

The most obvious sign of a gas leak is the smell of gas in the air. Natural gas is odorless, so utility companies add a substance called mercaptan, which emits a strong sulfur or rotten egg smell, making it noticeable when there’s a leak. Another indicator is the sound of hissing or whistling near a gas line or appliance, suggesting that gas is escaping from its normal containment.

Visual cues can also hint at a gas leak. Look out for dead or dying vegetation in an otherwise healthy area, as escaping gas can kill plants by depriving them of oxygen. Inside the house, a yellow or orange flame in a gas stove, rather than the usual blue, can indicate a leak.

Physical symptoms should not be overlooked. Exposure to leaking gas can cause dizziness, nausea, fatigue, and headaches. If these symptoms appear suddenly and are more intense inside the house than outside, it could be a sign of a gas leak.

If you suspect a gas leak, it’s crucial to act immediately. Do not try to locate the leak yourself. Avoid creating sparks or flames, do not turn on electrical appliances, lights, or even mobile phones, as these can ignite the gas. Open windows and doors to ventilate the area, evacuate the property, and call your gas company or emergency services from a safe distance.

Regular maintenance of gas appliances and installations by qualified professionals is vital. They can detect minor leaks and repair them before they become dangerous. Installing a gas detector can also provide an early warning, enhancing safety measures against gas leaks.

In summary, recognizing the signs of a gas leak and responding appropriately are essential for maintaining safety. Regular checks and preventive measures can significantly reduce the risk of gas leaks on your property.

What Should You Do If You Smell A Gas Leak!

When you suspect a gas leak in your home or surroundings, it’s critical to take immediate and appropriate action to ensure your safety and that of others. Here are key steps to follow:

  1. Do Not Ignore the Smell: Natural gas is odorless, so a strong smell similar to rotten eggs is added for detection. If you notice this smell, take it seriously.
  2. Avoid Causing Sparks: Do not turn on or off any electrical switches, appliances, or lights, as this can trigger an explosion. Even a small spark can ignite gas.
  3. Extinguish Flames: If any open flames are present, such as candles or a lit stove, carefully extinguish them. However, if this involves reaching over the stove or another risk, it’s safer to leave it and exit the area.
  4. Open Doors and Windows: If it’s safe to do so, open doors and windows to ventilate the area. This can help disperse the gas, reducing the risk of a fire or explosion.
  5. Leave the Area Immediately: Evacuate the premises as soon as possible. Do not try to find the source of the leak yourself. Your priority should be to get to safety.
  6. Do Not Use Your Phone Indoors: Avoid using your phone or any electronic device until you are safely away from the suspected leak area. Cellular phones can generate a small amount of energy that could be enough to ignite the gas.
  7. Call for Help from a Safe Distance: Once you are a safe distance away, call your gas company’s emergency line or the fire department. Provide them with all the necessary details about the situation.
  8. Do Not Re-enter the Building: Stay away from the building until professionals have given the all-clear. Even if the smell seems to have dissipated, there could still be a risk.
  9. Get a Professional Inspection: Have a qualified technician inspect your gas lines and appliances. They can repair any leaks and ensure that it’s safe to return.
  10. Prevention Measures: Regularly maintain your gas appliances and be aware of the signs of a gas leak, not just the smell but also a hissing sound or dead vegetation around gas lines.

By following these steps, you can effectively respond to a gas leak, minimizing the risk to yourself and others. Remember, safety should always be your first priority.

What If You Smell Gas At The Gas Meter!

Natural gas is a widely used fuel, powering homes and businesses with its efficiency and reliability. However, it can become a severe hazard if a gas leak occurs. One common place where leaks can be detected is at the gas meter. Recognizing a gas leak and knowing the immediate steps to take is crucial for safety.

Identifying a Gas Leak

The most apparent sign of a gas leak is the distinct smell of rotten eggs or sulfur. Gas companies add this odor to natural gas, which is naturally odorless, as a safety measure. If you detect this smell near your gas meter, it’s a strong indication of a leak.

Other signs include a hissing or whistling sound near the gas line or meter, visible damage to the gas meter or pipeline, and dead or dying vegetation in an otherwise healthy area near the pipeline.

Immediate Actions to Take

  1. Evacuate the Area: Your first step should be to leave the area immediately. Do not use electrical switches, phones, or anything that could generate a spark.
  2. Avoid Flames: Do not light matches, cigarettes, or any other open flame.
  3. Call for Help: Once you’re in a safe location, call your gas company’s emergency line or the fire department. Use a cell phone or a neighbor’s phone.
  4. Do Not Attempt Repairs: Never try to repair a gas leak yourself. This is a job for professionals with the right tools and training.

Prevention and Maintenance

Regularly checking your gas meter and appliances for signs of wear and tear can prevent leaks. If you’re unsure how to inspect these, many gas companies offer free inspections. Be aware of where gas lines are in your home and avoid digging near them.


The smell of gas near your gas meter is a serious warning sign. Quick, appropriate actions and awareness can prevent disasters. Regular maintenance and vigilance are key in ensuring the safety of your home and loved ones. Remember, when in doubt, always call the professionals.

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