Check out this video Boxing day fun of the water leak Warwick attended to on Boxing Day 2016!  😯 😥   The leak was in a high rise in Brisbane City with no plumbing suppliers open to source parts from because of the Boxing Day public holiday.  Upon arrival to the high rise building, Plumbaround Pty Ltd found a constant dripping from the ceiling from floor 22 in the corridor.Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 8.01.37 AM

After investigation work, Warwick found there to be a split in the pipe on a bend. In an attempt to install a repair band on the damaged which is directly on the elbow (bend of the pipe), it has worsened the leak and then needed to be cut out.  Without suppliers open to source the parts he needed, Warwick has had to fabricate a new bend out of what parts he had available in the truck.

The affected section of pipework has been cut out while still under pressure (hot water still flowing through the pipe) as the hot water was unable to be fully shut down.  Hours later and after testing all works, the repair band was holding pressure! Exciting times, with burns to his hands and all  😥Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 8.01.57 AM

Far from a relaxing day on the Boxing Day public holiday!  Just another day @ work with Plumbaround Pty Ltd and the start of the busiest 3 weeks we have seen.  We thought the lead up to Christmas was busy but that was just the beginning  🙂  🙂

If you come across a leak or water stains, especially with hot water, enlist the services of a Qualified Plumber such as Plumbaround Pty Ltd to commence investigative work before the situation worsens and damages your home and belongings.

Our Plumbaround Pty Ltd office staff and highly qualified plumbers are always happy to talk with you about a leak or water damage situation to ensure you receive the correct information about what course of action if required.

We are available day and night to take your calls or will endeavour to respond to your email ASAP!!!  

Click a link before for instant contact.
