
Uh-oh, how did you all go in the heavy rain last night?  We are situated in Albany Creek and we had an amazing lightening show, very loud clapping thunder and awoke to early morning wake up calls to blocked drains and down pipes!  All Plumbaround Pty Ltd staff had an early start to the day with the daily planned jobs ahead and many emergencies thrown in as well.outdoor-drainage-issue-01-12-16

A few tenants and owners had a not so pleasant morning awakening to flooding due to blockages.  Whilst there isn’t much you can do once flooding has occurred, except to contact your local Plumbaround Pty Ltd plumber to help you out.  However leading into this storm season there are a few things you can do to ensure your that your property and possessions stay safe and unaffected by stormy weather.  A backlog of water during a wild storm can cause subsequent overflowing and damage to your roof, ceilings and walls.

  1.  Clean out your gutters!  Yes regular maintenance on your gutters will ensure they are free from debris and that they flow correctly during heavy rains.  Cleaning your gutters keeps your down pipes unblocked and free flowing as well as ensuring no rotting matter corrodes out the gutters and down pipes.  Yes of course we can help you organise to clean out your gutters, contact us today for an inspection and a plan of attack before storm season hits.
  2. Seriously consider gutter guard protection for your gutters, especially after cleaning the gutters free of debris  and especially if you have just had new gutters installed on your home!  What better what to protect your gutters and down pipes and your property stormy weather.  Contact us here at Plumbaround Pty Ltd for an inspection and a FREE quote today!
  3. If you have noticed any strange drain or pipe issues lately or in recent months, contact us and we’ll send one of our professional plumbers out to check these problem areas before a storm hits and amplifies the problem to make sure you do not have a blocked drain.  Prevention is always cheaper and easier than emergency plumbing!  Good luck and stay safe!
